Changes in September, 2023

Tags: devlog

September 1, 2023

New Changes ✨

  • Direct Messaging Privacy
    • You now have control over who can message you:
      1. Nobody
      2. Mutuals (you like and follow each other)
      3. Everyone
    • Check out the options under Your User Page -> Edit
    • Does not affect existing conversations
  • Layout changes to story and chapter pages:
    • Navigation links now appear differently between mobile and desktop:
      • Mobile nav links are now in a sticky bar at the bottom
      • Desktop nav links are now in a sticky sidebar
    • A gap has been added to the bottom of these pages for eyeline consistency while reading
    • Various consistency adjustments
  • View counting
    • You can no longer rack up views on your own chapters
  • When registering an account through Twitter, Discord, etc, names and pictures are no longer imported. This respects privacy and prevents name collisions
  • Removed the likes/dislikes green/red bar