Changes in March, 2023

Tags: devlog

March 31, 2023

📣 Changes 📣

  • The like, dislike and follow buttons look better and more button-y
  • Added a “Recent” section on the browse page, to let you switch between new stories, chapters, and even polls
  • Added a cute sunrise to the beta tester badge

🐞 Bugfixes 🐞

  • You can’t like/dislike/follow yourself or your work
  • Liking comments is fixed!
  • The profile page button that lets you message that user is also fixed
  • Author names on chapter choices no longer wrap strangely when they’re long

March 30, 2023

✨ Minor things! ✨

  • Added a basic share button to stories and chapters
  • Added an example story to the intro page
  • Existing user profile badges look cooler
  • Added donor badges, although these can’t be acquired yet

Donor badges preview:

search after

March 24, 2023

✨ Stuff Added✨

  • The old What’s New page is now the Browse page, with lots of toplists and featured stories. Check it out!
    • The Dashboard page has also been redesigned to match the new Browse page
  • Added a basic Tags page - you can sort through tags alphabetically, or by popularity
    • More to come on this page in the future!
  • Tag limit is now 35, and stories’ short descriptions are now limited to 400 characters

🪲 Bugs Swatted 🪱

  • Some caching issues have been fixed

March 21, 2023

Stuff Added

  • Ability to log in with Discord
    • (We plan to add Twitter support, but our developer account hasn’t been approved yet)
  • Adds BuyMeACoffee link in the footer
  • Links have been “slugified” 🐌
    • before: /stories/123/chapters/654
    • after: /stories/123-story-name/chapters/654-chapter-name
  • Chapters can now have gender pairing tags separate from the story
  • You no longer need your password to change your profile information
  • Author names now appear on:
    • Chapter links in the table of contents
    • Chapter links on interactive choices
  • For linear stories, a “next” button appears aside the “previous” button in the chapter navbar
  • “What’s New” page now lists items by creation date
    • (A redesign for this page is planned)
  • Removed herobrine

Bugs Swatted

  • Changing your avatar should no longer occasionally result in a 500 error
  • Fixed the visual appearance of some notifications

March 16, 2023

Single-chapter stories now sync tags with their chapter
  • Otherwise they could have different tags
  • This only applies when: the story is linear, it has only one chapter, and the chapter is designated as “the end”

March 14, 2023

Separated first-chapter creation from story creation
  • First-chapters no longer have arbitrarily fewer options available
Updated search result design
  • Before:

search after

  • After:

search before

March 10, 2023

Registration opened

party popper

(You have reached the earliest post of the development log!)